Saturday, February 12, 2011

An evening dedicated to the preservation and                                               restoration of these amazing fury


shyamsukh on February 12, 2011 at 9:45 AM said...

It is because of us, people, that exotic cats are in need of so much help.  Big cats by nature are not meant to be anything but wild.  They are not meant to be pets, they are not meant to entertain in a circus, and they most definitely are not meant to be a symbol of status to the underbellie of society.  So of course, when all of these things go wrong, and man finds out he can't tame, control or parade these majestic animals, he dumps them, starves them, abuses them, stripping them of life and dignity.  This is why we need your help.  I believe that in this ever changing crazy world of ours, there is still compassion and good will left among men.  Please prove me right!  Join in the effort to make right of what so many had made wrong.  Join in the effort to preserve and better the lives of these innocent creatures.  Help Joe, founder of Exotic Feline Rescue Center continue his life's work in making his home the last home for the many cats that are lucky enough to find there way to him.

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